Published on August 29, 2004 By jenze In Home & Family
Although I tried for so long to keep my family together,the marriage had been dying a long,slow, death. Everytime I didn't want to "get with the program" divorce would be a word hurled at me. My youngest daughter had some special needs, and I needed time to help her ,and fight with the school system. A divorce would just not work. So, I would try to go along with things I know would not make me happy. Oh, and lets not forget how good the marriage could be if I would just change. Eventually I changed so much I no longer knew who I was. I forgot how strong, smart, and happy I used to be.
When the girls were about 10 & 11 I could tell the D word was about to be brought up. I started doing research about divorce and what needed to be done. When I finally got him to admit he really did want a divorce this time, I was ready. He was surprised I wasn't more upset! The next few steps took awhile and I will try to write more soon. This feels good to get some things off my chest. Thank you for your positive comments. See you soon

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